Paragrid Client Enquiry Forms

Your Investment: Initial phone Calls or meeting at the Paragrid Office are free then;-,
1. First Site Meeting: fixed fee of $198 inc GST
: we meet with you on site (1 hour), we discuss your project, measure inside, so we don’t have to return if you decide to proceed.

2. Feasibility Study $2,980 inc gst: We review your survey & floor plan, study your site online and discuss by phone and prepare a sketch design, (for planning only, not for DA or Pre DA), around 1-2 weeks,1 x A3 plan, 1 version.

3. Premium Feasibility Study $7,900: We arrange and pay for proper AHD Survey( if you have a suitable survey deduct $1,100), s10.55 from Council, Sydney Water and title searches, meet and discuss, measure up interior of house, draft existing and proposed plans, 1 version with 1 amendment, 1 x meet with Council Planner, Pre DA form and fees extra, Submit to council, (no other consultants).

4. Retainer Basis (preferred): We work on retainer ($2,200 inc gst upfront) basis, fees are on time basis, monthly or stage invoices with balance of retainer refunded at end of project.

5. Our hourly rates: $290 for David the principal and Architect, $132 Graduate (Charllote & Sarah), $110 Other Interns/assistants, $90 total travel in excess of 1 hour from our office, plus any tolls, charges or fees at cost x 20%, all plus gst.

6. Payment: Payment in advance for the above, we prefer Direct Debit or Bank Transfer.
7. Generally: architectural fees for council submission are 3.5% to 8.5% of your budget, or our initial estimate of project

cost, with other consultants fees and council fees on top of this.

8. Currently: the building market is very ‘hot’ at the moment (2024) and you should allow at least $6-8k/m2 for a basic build budget without specific selections or details.

9. Referrals: come from a variety of sources for which we pay a fee.

Code of Conduct: We have the NSW Architects Code of Conduct at our office and website and will email/give you a copy before we commence any work.
You can also download a copy here:

First Meeting and how long does it take?: We will come out to your site, discuss your requirements and take dimensions and photos. There is no obligation if you don’t proceed. Any work after the fixed fee charged on a time basis. Generally 1st sketches take 2-4 weeks after the survey received, further sketches and other documents take (depends on your input) 4 - 8 weeks and a DA takes around 3-6 months or longer to be approved. Much of our work is waiting/chasing others to inform, advise or decide.

Generally architectural fees for council submission are 3.5% to 10% of your budget, with other consultants fees and council fees on top of this. We get referrals from a variety of sources for which we pay a fee.

Next: Give us a call to set up a site visit (after hours is OK)

David Springett

Paragrid Pty Ltd is an architectural studio located in the Inner West of Sydney. 
We specialise in domestic heritage restoration, renovations and additions from initial design to completion. 
We've done incredibly small shops in the Strand Arcade to grand mansions in Annandale. Awarded 2009 National Trust Heritage Commendation Award for our work on Highroyd Annandale. 
We should 'carshare' to solve the traffic problems in Sydney! 

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